Instructions for the magic.


To make amazing magic with your special paddle you’ll need to learn a simple piece of sleightof-hand, called the “paddle move.” Let’s break it down into easy stages. Be sure to practice each stage thoroughly before going on to the next stage! First, hold the paddle by the stem between your first two fingers and thumb, so that one of the circle patterns on the paddle is facing you. Now, tilt the paddle down so that the circle pattern on the paddle is facing upwards and the audience can’t see the bottom of the paddle. This upward position of one of the circles will be your starting position, whenever you perform the “paddle move!” Now, using your thumb, turn the paddle over by rolling the paddle outward. (If you are holding it with your left hand fingers and thumb, then roll it to the right. If you are holding it with your right hand fingers and thumb than roll it to the left). Now, roll it back with your thumb, this time inwards. Keep practicing this rolling movement of your thumb, outwards, inwards, outwards, and inwards... The next stage is very easy. While holding the paddle as before, but without rolling it, just turn your wrist over towards you, so that the back of your hand and the bottom of the paddle are both facing upwards. Practice this turning movement with your wrist to show both sides of the paddle. First towards you, then away from you, towards you, then away from you... Now combine the two moves. Turn your wrist over toward you and at the same time roll the paddle outward. Now, roll the paddle inward as you turn your wrist away from you. It will look like you are showing both sides of the paddle, but you are actually showing the same side twice! In order to get the timing just right, you will need to practice these combined movements often. The best way for you to know if the illusion is convincing is to try and fool yourself. Yes, when done correctly this illusion is so strong you will be able to fool yourself! Take a quarter and snap it onto the top of the paddle only. NOTE: Some quarters will fit very snugly into the paddle, others will not. You might need to use some clear tape to secure the quarter onto the paddle. Now, when you do the “paddle move” it should look like there is a quarter on both sides! Now, flip the paddle over, blank side up and do the paddle move and it should look like the paddle is blank on both sides! This sneaky “paddle move,” can be used to create some fantastic magic!


Put a coin into one side of your paddle. Bring out the paddle blank side up and, using the paddle move, show both sides to be apparently empty! Claim that this is an amazing money maker and snap your fingers over the paddle. Turn it without using the paddle move to show that a coin has appeared on the paddle! To remove the quarter you can tap the paddle gently against a hard surface! If your quarter fits very snugly on the paddle, bend the end very slightly and carefully to dislodge it.


Once you have made the coin appear, you can snap your fingers over the paddle again and using the paddle move, show that now a coin has apparently appeared on both sides of the paddle!


Before you perform the next trick, have a quarter hidden in your hand. When you are ready to perform, bring out the paddle with the quarter on the top side only. Then, using the paddle move, show that both sides contain quarters, when in fact only one side actually does! Now, pretend to remove the underneath coin from the paddle with your free hand. Since there isn’t a coin there, you will have to act a little bit. Now, put the coin you had hidden in your hand onto the table. They will think it is the one you removed from the bottom of the coin paddle. Then openly remove the top quarter and put it next to it. This convinces people that there really were quarters on both sides of the paddle!


Before the trick, have a quarter hidden in your hand as before. Start the trick with another quarter on the top of the paddle only! You must now make believe that you are going to remove the quarter from the top of the paddle. As your hand covers the top of the paddle give the paddle a half twist bringing the empty side upward, and at the same time bring into view the coin that was hidden in your hand. With a little practice, this looks just as though you have taken the quarter from the paddle. Display the quarter before putting it into your pocket. Then using the paddle move, show the paddle to be empty on both sides as you say, “Have you heard of the rebound effect?” Now, turn your paddle over to show that the quarter has magically jumped from your pocket back to the paddle!


Start with the quarter on the top side only. Now, using the paddle move, show that there are quarters on both sides. Now, pretend to remove the bottom quarter by putting your hand under the paddle, and pretend to take the quarter with your hand. Then, with the fist of your hand closed, blow on your hand to make the coin vanish. Now, open your hand to show that it is gone, and then turn over the paddle to show that it is gone. Then snap your fingers and, using the paddle move, show both sides blank as you say, “It’s so hard to keep hold of money, you know!”